
The first reason we got together to make a blog was to share music. Music we discovered. Music we love. Music we think ought to get more shine. By “we”, we’re referring to four of us (Commish Olem, Hewa Yasin, Wraith Yoshi, and Sen) — you’ll get to know each of us better as you get familiar with our styles and tastes 😉😉😉 — as well as friends and collaborators with compelling stuff to share.

Our playlists are for the most part static: we believe that music is timeless and it would be a shame to stifle the discovery of an artist, group or song (no matter how early or late) if we stuck to constantly updating a set number of playlists. On the other hand, it means we have accumulated a ton of playlists over time 😅. To help you find your way around, we’ve arranged the playlists into five areas.

Commish Quarters

Commish Quarters is where you’re most likely to find Commish Olem and his work. The ‘Hazy Hues’ series for instance is a fresh spin on collaboration.

Le domaine du pimentier

SenLe domaine du pimentier is curated by Sen, who also happens to be our creative director. Here you’ll find the made-for-commutes ‘Smoke x Mirrors’ series.

Hewa Vibes

Hewa YasinHewa Vibes is comprised of numerous series such as the voluminous ‘Roll & Coasters’, the DJ-praising ‘Salute the Mix’, and one of our flagship series: ‘Teintée Africaine’.

Yoshi’s Lair

Wraith YoshiIf you’re looking for spontaneous creativity and enthusiasm, look no further than Yoshi’s Lair where Wraith Yoshi routinely delivers master classes accross different concepts and sometimes allows guests to show off.

The Playground

Finally, The Playground is where we test out concepts or have one-offs. It doesn’t mean that the playlists here aren’t worth your ears. On the contrary!